Leon's swimming team

Swim to victory! Who will win the swimming competition?

Update 3: New goal set: EUR 2,000,- Two former SAMCo employees Koen Ripping and David de Villiers are ready to dive in! Help us to make that happen by donating to the team page! Thanks!

Update 2: We have reached our second goal of EUR 1,500,-. The battle of the bosses is on!

Update1: We have reached our first goal of EUR 500 and therefore RP, Gysbert and I will compete eachother in a swimming competition this Friday. We are not quite sure if the outlook of seeing three (almost) middle-aged men with Corona kilos in swimming shorts will make you open your wallet..but hey, it's all for good cause, which is supporting Leon and the ALS foundation and helping us to get rid of those extra kilos! 






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De online quizshow 'ALS we het leven vieren' is een initiatief van Stichting ALS Nederland, Amsterdam City Swim en NLmuziek.nl. Doel van de online quizshow is om zoveel mogelijk geld in te zamelen voor de strijd tegen ALS.